After deciding on the Army Painter Strong tone wash I have painted up the next three members of my SDS squad. There are four more to paint before it will be ready at 400 points. Those left to paint are; Lt. Reginald Grey who needs some greenstuff to fill in a gap, Sgt. Paddy Donnelly, Dmr. Sean O'Rourke and his older brother Pvt. Matthew O'Rourke who will be a kitbash conversion using a French body in a greatcoat. So far painted from left to right are; Pvt. Tim O'Brady (the test figure), Pvt. Old Billy Molony, Pvt. Ned Byrne and Pvt. James O'Ryan.
He is supposed to look old and ratty having campaigned a long time in Iberia. |
He is still wearing the summer issue trousers, though thoroughly caked in mud. |
I decided not to include pictures of Tim O'Brady since he was in a previous post. Comments and criticism always encouraged.