Well I have been nominated for a Liebster award on my latest WOTR post, this caught me off guard since my painting is nothing special in my mind. The Liebster award is designed to bring greater attention to small blogs so that their readership may increase and to allow others to find like minded blogs that they may not have come upon otherwise. That said most of my nominations will likely be familiar to my readers. I was nominated by Moiterei (wish I knew his name but I don't speak German and can't read his profile) he is an awesome painter and I am honoured by his interest in my measly works. His blog can be found here http://moitereisbuntewelt.blogspot.ca/
The rules of the Liebster awards are as follows:
-"Copy and paste," the award on your blog and talk about it.
-Post a link back to the blogger who gave you the award.
-Select five blogs of 200 followers or less to nominate for the award and inform them of your decision by commenting on a post.
Here are my five nominations in no specific order.
1. http://inevitablespark.blogspot.ca/ Johnathan is painting up a marvelous Carthaginian force for Hail Caeser and also has some great ECW units. His painting style is clean and beautiful and he does what so few of us can do and focuses on a single project at a time.
2. http://arlequinsworld.blogspot.ca/ This is Jim's blog and though it doesn't contain much in terms of miniatures (I don't think I've seen a single miniatures post since I became a blogger) it is none the less one of the best miniatures blogs I know of. He is great at interpreting and re-writing rules and at giving summaries of historical conflicts to help gamers put them into perspective. This later skill has gained him my respect as a medievalist for he is well researched and has a clear writing style. Of great interest to me is his Wars of the Roses and Burgundian Succession rule tweaks for Dux Britanniarum.
3. http://scyldandseax.blogspot.ca/ Max is a young Frenchman with an interest in the Middle Ages. He, like Jim, is working on converting the Dux Britanniarum rules to place them into the 15th century. He also puts up reports of his test games with his great Perry conversions and builds. From his posts about his fictional nation Runissia it is clear he has a great imagination that will serve him well in his wargaming.
4. http://flintlockandtomahawk.blogspot.ca/ This one is a little different. It doesn't do miniatures (though does have miniature related posts) but instead blogs about anything to do with the French and Indian Wars. Everyday I see there is at least one new post for me to look at and learn more about the period. My club in the new year will be starting forces for Muskets and Tomahawks set during the French and Indian Wars.
5. http://wattswargames.blogspot.ca/ Lastly I would like to nominate one of the guys at my gaming club who's painting is outstanding. I feel his blog speaks for itself and hopefully his light infantry will be up and ready for some SDS action soon.
Oooh, nominated for an award! Glad your enjoying my blog!
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Everyday I see there is at least one new post for me to look at and learn more about the period.
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Everyday I see there is at least one new post for me to look at and learn more about the period.